
传统教育 — Steve Pavlina:智者的个人发展[笔记] – 智力 (7/12)

2021-02-19 07:41:05

Intelligence is alignment with truth, love, and power.


As you interact with others, neither exaggerate nor downplay what’s true for you. Be completely real. Your honest won’t always get you a positive response, but allow others to have their reactions without feeling you must pretend to be something you’re not. If you try to slant the truth in order to tell people what you think they want to hear, you disconnect from your true self, and you encourage others to live in denial of their own power.


For many years, I believed the best way to relate to other people was to try to meet them at their own level of power. If someone was timid, I’d downplay my accomplishments because I didn’t want them to feel uncomfortable. These friendships were rooted in falsehood, and to maintain them, I became increasingly disconnected with myself.


When I stay connected with myself, I am more selective about the people I decide to connect with, so I seek out friends who are consciously growth oriented and not complacent or apathetic.


A fascinating quality of intelligence is that it seeks its own improvement. The smartest choice we can make is to attempt to become smarter, and growth is the mechanism through which this is achieved. It is intelligent to grow.


Working on your personal growth is the most selfless thing you can possibly do. You increase your capacity to serve others.


The most intelligent thing you can do with your life is to grow.


The state of flow results from conscious thought and action in the direction of your dreams. Learn to satisfy your desires and fulfill your dreams instead of pretending they don’t matter to you.


When you maintain the state of flow it will feel as if there’s powerful energy working through you, driving you onward. You know without a doubt that you’re on the right track as you make progress toward something meaningful and important.


Knowing you’re on the right path will reduce your feelings of doubt, worry, and stress. A deep sense of inner peace will arise in their place.


It’s comforting to know that truth, love, and power are the only guiding principles you really need. You don’t need to live by a complicated set of rules, laws, or values.


Assess your current alignment with the 7 principles:


– Am I truthful with myself and others, or do I feel compelled to lie about anything?
– What do I predict will happen if I continue on my current course?
– Are my predictions reasonable and accurate, or am I too optimistic or pessimistic?
– Do I fully accept the truth of my situation or am I living in denial?
– What do I need to learn next, and what’s the best way to learn it?
– What can I do right now to become more truthful?

– 我对自己和他人诚实吗?还是迫不得已要撒谎?
– 如果我在当前方向继续前进,我预测会发生什么?
– 我的预测合理准确吗?还是过于乐观或或过于悲观?
– 我是否完全接受自身情况的真相,还是活在否定中?
– 下一步我需要学什么,学习的最佳方法是什么?
– 我现在可以做什么,从而变得更诚实?

– Do I take time to connect with myself and others, or do I feel disconnected and alone?
– Do I express my true self when I communicate, or do I project a false image?
– Do I love and accept myself and others unconditionally?
– Do I seek out compatible new relationships?
– How can I exercise and improve my social skills?
– What can I do right now to become more loving?

– 我是否花时间与我自己和他人连接,还是觉得遗世独立?
– 当我沟通时,我展现的是真实的自我,还是投射了一个虚假的形象?
– 我是否无条件地爱自己爱他人,无条件地接受自己接受他人?
– 我是否追寻融洽的新关系?
– 我如何联系改善自己的社会技巧?
– 我现在可以做什么变得更充满爱?

– Do I accept complete responsibility for everything in my life?
– What do I really want, and what am I willing to do to get it?
– Am I focusing on what’s most important to me, or am I distracting myself?
– Am I putting in the time to do what needs to be done?
– How can I continue to build my self-discipline?
– What can I do right now to become more powerful?

– 我是否对自己生活中的所有事情都承担全部责任?
– 我真正想要什么,我愿意做什么来能得到它?
– 我是否集中精力在对我最重要的事情,还是在分散自己的精力?
– 我是否花时间做需要做的事情?
– 我怎样才能继续培养自律?
– 我现在可以立即做什么变得更有能力?

– Do I recognize the truth that we’re all connected, like individual cells in a larger body?
– Can I empathically tune in to the joy and sorrow of others?
– Do I treat others with compassion and fairness?
– Am I making a meaningful contribution to the world?
– Do I think and act with a sense of unity?
– What can I do right now to experience more oneness?

– 我们是否认识到我们都是连接的,就像身体中的独立细胞?
– 对于他人的喜乐哀伤,我是否能够感同身受?
– 我是否对他人充满同情,公平对待?
– 我是否对世界做出有意义的贡献?
– 我是否知行合一?
– 我现在可以做什么来经历更多合一?

– Do I take command of my life, or do I blindly follow others?
– Are my actions effective, producing the results I want?
– Do I persist in the face of obstacles and setbacks, or do I give up too easily?
– Am I confident that I’ll achieve the goals I set for myself?
– How can I spend my time on what’s truly important and avoid wasting time on trivialities?
– What can I do right now to increase my authority?

– 我是自己掌握自己的生活呢,还是盲从他人?
– 我的行动是否有效,产生我所期待的结果?
– 我是否能直面障碍和挫折,还是很容易就放弃了?
– 我是否自信能够取得为自己设定的所有目标?
– 我该如何把自己的时间花在真正重要的东西上,而避免在琐事上浪费时间?
– 我现在可以做什么来增加我的权威?

– Do I live boldly and courageously, or do I succumb to fear, timidity, and cowardice?
– Where is the path with a heart, and what can I do to honor that path right now?
– Do I take the initiative, or am I stuck in a waiting mode?
– Do I courageously pursue the most direct course, or do I follow a slower more manipulative route?
– How can I train and educate myself to overcome my fear?
– What can I do right now to exercise my courage?

– 我是否大胆无畏地生活,还是我屈服于恐惧、胆怯、懦弱?
– 勇气之路在何方? 我现在该如何做才算是为这条路增添光彩?
– 我是采取主动措施呢,还是僵持在等待模式中?
– 我是否充满勇气地追求最直接的捷径,还是跟随一条受控于人的慢车道?
– 我该如何训练教育自己克服恐惧?
– 我现在可以做什么来锻炼勇气?

– Do I live in alignment with truth, love, and power?
– Are my interactions with others authentic or phony?
– Do I have the right message and the medium for creative self-expression?
– Do I enjoy the state of flow by taking intelligent action?
– How can I improve myself today?
– What can I do right now to express my intelligence?

– 我的生活是否与真理、爱和能力相一致?
– 我与他人的互动真诚还是虚假?
– 我是否有创造性自我表达的正确信息和介质?
– 我是否采取了明智的措施从而享受涌流状态?
– 我今天如何自我改善?
– 我现在可以做什么来展示自己的智力?

GROWTH BLITZING: For each of the svent principles, set a specific growth target. Decide to make a small improvement in each area. For example:


– Confess to a lie or secret you’ve been concealing.
– Write down your most realistic prediction for what you think your life will look like 5 years from now. Ask someone to make a similar prediction for you, and compare the answers.
– Read a book on a topic you know nothing about.
– Invite an intelligent friend to debate you on a subject where you suspect you may hold inaccurate beliefs.
– Begin a 30-day media fast.

– 承认你一直隐藏的谎话或秘密。
– 写下从现在起5年后,你对自己生活最实际的预测。让其他人为你做类似的预测,然后比较答案。
– 读一本你一无所知的话题的书。
– 邀请充满智慧的朋友就你怀疑自己认识不正确的话题进行辩论。
– 开始30天的媒体斋戒。

– Send someone a handwritten letter, just to connect.
– Start a conversation with a total stranger, and try to figure out what’s most important to that person.
– Find a creative way to say “I love you” to someone who’s never heard it from you before.
– Give someone an unexpected gift to let them know they’re appreciated by you.
– Invite someone over for dinner who’s never been to your house before.

– 给某人写一封亲笔信,就是纯粹联络感情。
– 与素未谋面的陌生人交谈,努力找出对这个人最重要的是什么。
– 找一个新颖的方法对从未听你说“我爱你”的人说“我爱你”。
– 给某人一个意想不到的礼物,让他们知道你欣赏他。
– 邀请从未到你家的人来吃饭。

– Write a fresh list of goals for every area of your life.
– Set aside at least one hour to work on your single most important project, and nothing else.
– Do something you’ve always wanted to do that you can accomplish in less than a day.
– Schedule your next day from wake to sleep. Give yourself a 1-10 score at the end of the day. Beat that score next time.
– Play a competitive game & bet that you’ll win. Bet for something other than money.

– 对你生活的每个领域写下全新的目标清单。
– 在你最重要的项目上至少留出一小时,仅此而已。
– 做一件你一直想做而且一天时间就够的事情。
– 好好计划你的明天,从睁眼到闭眼。一天结束时,按1-10给自己打分。下一次超过那个分数。
– 玩竞争性游戏,并打赌你会赢。不赌钱,赌其他东西。

– Perform an act of kindness for a stranger.
– Post a painful story from your past, online – so others can benefit from your lessons learned.
– Identify where you’ve been unfair to someone, and take immediate action to remedy the situation.
– Spend a couple hours alone in nature. Quiet your thoughts and pay attention to your senses.
– Email with someone in another country and find out what you have in common.

– 对陌生人行善。
– 把你的痛苦经历贴在网上——这样他人可以从你的经验中吸取教训。
– 想想你对别人有失公允的地方,立即采取措施弥补。
– 独自花时间与自然接触。让你的思想沉静,留心自己的所有感觉。

– Cancel an activity that no longer serves you.
– Volunteer to be in charge of a group and see it through to completion by delegating tasks to others.
– Do a personal experiment you’ve always wanted to, such as a new diet, sleeping pattern, or way of interacting.
– Wear an outfit that nobody likes but you.
– Teach someone else how to perform a task you’re very good at.

– 取消对你不再有用的活动。
– 自愿负责一个团队,然后通过给别人下方任务,监控团队达到目标。
– 进行你一直都想做的个人试验,比如新的饮食习惯,睡觉模式或者活动方式。
– 穿一身除了你别人都不喜欢的行头。
– 教别人如何做你很擅长的任务。

– Make a new request of someone who recently rejected you.
– Do something worthwhile that you’ve been afraid to pursue.
– Walk up to someone and tell them exactly what you want from them.
– Make an advance commitment to something specific that makes facing one of your fears unavoidable.
– Do one thing today that scares you.

– 向最近拒绝了你的某人再次提出请求。
– 做件你一直害怕追求但又值得一做的事情。
– 走向某人,明确地告诉他们你想让他们怎样。
– 提前对某事作出承诺,这样你不得不面对自己惧怕的事情。
– 今天做件让你害怕的事情。

– Call someone you know and communicate as authentically as possible during the entire call.
– Draw something that represents the real you.
– Identify a recent setback, and make a creative plan to work around it.
– Visit a museum and look for expressions of truth, love, and power in every exhibit.
– Brainstorm a list of 20 new ideas you can use to improve your life.

– 给你认识的某人打电话,在整个电话交谈中,尽可能地真诚沟通。
– 画一个能够代表真实自我的东西。
– 想想最近的挫折,作出积极计划进行应对。
– 参观博物馆,在每项展品中寻找真理、爱及能力的表达。
– 头脑风暴你可以用于改善自己生活的20个新想法。

One week is a reasonable timeframe for completing one action from each principle.


Whenever you add another activity to your life, treat it as a small universe that comes pre-aligned with truth, love, and power.


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