
传统教育 — Steve Pavlina:智者的个人发展[笔记] – 勇气 (6/12)

2021-02-19 07:41:05

When your mind predicts a positive long-term outcome, but a negative short-term outcome from a course of action, courage is required to bridge the gap.


Courage is the application of power to break through short-term challenges in order to achieve long-term goals.


Whatever you fear, you must eventually face.


What if you know you’re on the wrong path, but don’t know how to find the right one?  Get off the road you’re on.  Just stop.  If you can’t see the right path from your current location, go out and explore.


Don’t wait for a new career, a new relationship, or other opportunities to come to you.  Go out and actively create what you want.  Life is waiting for you to make the first move.


If you want something, ask for it.  Accept the risk of rejection and summon the courage to take action anyway.  If you don’t get rejected, you’ll achieve your outcome in the fastest and simplest way possible.


An honest rejection is always better than a clever deception.


Short bursts of courage can overcome many obstacles.


Consciously commit yourself to a principle-centered life.  This commitment is called honor.


The guiding force of honor is your conscience.


Service to self and service to others are the same thing.


When you feel lazy and unmotivated, you’re feeling disconnected.  Remember who you are.  Reconnect with what excites you.  Revisit those times in your life when you were on fire – not because of external events, but because you were aligned with your truth.


Whatever scares you, learn more about it. The knowledge you acquire will help you act more courageously and intelligently.


It’s amazing how many opportunities we deny ourselves due to lack of knowledge or experience.  In this info age, “I don’t know” is not a valid excuse.  All the information you need is readily accessible online, in books, or on other people’s minds.  If ignorance is holding you back in any area of your life, take the initiative and educate yourself.


Make commitments that don’t require much courage to accept, but that require significant courage to implement.


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