
其他 — Tammy Takahashi:非学校教育的5条秘诀(适用于居家教育者)

2021-02-19 07:41:05

1. Don’t give up. Often times, the first few months of homeschooling are tough because we don’t know how to conduct ourselves without the filter of school. It takes time to adjust to each other’s needs, and get used to the new living situation. Most problems early on have nothing to do with homeschooling, and everything to do with learning to live together.

1. 别放弃。通常,居家教育的头几个月很艰难,因为我们不知道没有了学校过滤,我们该如何表现自己。满足每个人的需求、适应新的生活环境,需要时间。早期大多数问题都与居家教育本身无关,都和学会在一起生活有关。

2. Give up. That’s right, you heard me – give up. When you aren’t getting your way, and things seem to be going horribly wrong, give up the fight. Turn your attention to something else and let it fall apart. When we begin homeschooling our kids, we think we need something, because we don’t know any other way. But if we let go, and let the thing we need slip away for a while, we might find that we don’t really need it at all. Or that we were working too hard to keep up the status quo instead of creating new habits.

2. 放弃。没错,我是说——放弃。当你进展不下去时,当事情好像错得很离谱时,放弃挣扎。把你的注意力转到别处,彻底放弃。当我们开始在家教育孩子时,我们以为自己需要某样东西是因为我们不知道其他方法。但如果我们放手,让需要的东西消失片刻,我们可能会发现自己根本不需要那样东西。或者我们太努力保持现状,而没有创造新习惯。

3. Do something for yourself. When you start to deschool, it’s not just about giving your kids space to get used to not having to go to school, but it’s for you too! And part of that adjustment is to know that you still have you to take care of. If you did a good job taking care of yourself before, keep up that routine. If you didn’t, now’s the time to add that to your schedule. If you don’t take care of yourself, who will? Plus, it will be a great time to distance yourself from the newbie homeschooler stress.

3. 为自己做点事。当你开始非学校教育时,那不只是给你的孩子空间习惯于不去上学,也是为你自己!部分调整在于知道你必须得照顾好自己。如果你之前把自己照顾得很好,保持这种习惯。如果没有,现在要把这种习惯加进去。如果你不照顾好自己,谁来照顾呢?此外,让你远离居家教育新手压力,也将会成为一段美好的时光。

4. Get your kids involved. Invite your children to help you schedule your day. Do they want to take it easy or explore the world? Do they want to play with friends or go to the book store or a movie? What do they want to make for dinner? Spread the freedom to choose through the whole family, so it’s not just mom who takes care of everything. The school model is to have a top-down, teacher takes care of things, student follows approach. Homeschooling is a group effort, where mom and dad are Socrates and Einstein – smart people who hang out with their kids and share their knowledge because they like to, and of course, love their family.

4. 让孩子参与其中。邀请孩子帮助计划你的一天。他们想放松呢还是想探索世界?他们想和伙伴一起玩耍,还是想去书店或看电影?晚饭他们想吃什么?把选择的权利下放给全家,而不是事无巨细全由妈妈一人照顾。学校模式是自上到下,由老师看顾一切,学生照搬老师的方法。居家教育是团队努力,爸爸妈妈是爱因斯坦和苏格拉底——因为喜欢,当然也因为爱家人而和孩子在一起、分享他们知识的聪明人。

5. Go crazy. Feeling stressed out? Go parasailing! Feeling like school work is taking over your day? Go strawberry picking! Sitting around the house watching your kid play video games? Build a catapult in your back yard! Feel like you want to get away from it all? Go to the beach and sit around all day doing nothing, listening to the beauty of the waves (how many people actually get a chance to slow down long enough to listen to nature?) This is your chance to do what you don’t normally do and have fun or relax. If you feel like you’re going crazy, go with it! Feel crazy! And prove you’re going crazy to the world around you by breaking the unlivable expectations of what you are “supposed” to be doing.

5. 疯狂一把。感觉筋疲力尽?去玩帆伞!觉得学习工作占据了你的时间?去摘草莓!坐在房子里看孩子玩电玩?去后院玩弹弓!觉得自己想远离一切?到海边坐在沙滩上听听美妙的海浪声(有多少人真正有机会放慢脚步聆听自然之声?)。这是给你机会,让你做平常不做的事情,有机会玩乐放松。如果你觉得自己快要发疯了,那就发疯吧!尽情疯狂!打破别人对你的不实期望,向你周围的人证明你就要抓狂啦!

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