
其他 — Steve Pavlina:智者的个人发展[笔记] – 合一 (4/12)

2021-02-19 07:41:05

Ask myself, “Where is the joy?”


Listen for the right frequency.


Once I got it, increase the volume until I’m feeling extremely joyful and connected.


Strive to be direct and forthright. Genuine honesty is truth tempered with love. Using truth as a weapon is not a loving act, but shedding light on an otherwise dark situation is certainly in our best interests.


Even when it seems painful and embarrassing to tell the truth, you do more damage by holding back.


In order to truly experience unconditional love, you must make yourself naked to the world.


Instead of being more generous with your friends and family members as opposed to strangers, oneness will encourage you to be more generous in those areas where you can have a greater impact, regardless of your current social loyalties.


Everyone is part of your family.


In a broader social context, fairness takes the form of justice. We must make decisions that fairly balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the larger whole. Whenever we turn a blind eye to injustice, we embrace separation instead of oneness.


If you live entirely for yourself, life will amount to very little against the backdrop of all humanity.


By aligning yourself with the highest good, your role takes on much greater significance.


You can’t continue making decisions solely at the personal, family, or communal level. You must consider how your thoughts and actions impact the planet as a whole.


To deny such responsibility is to succumb to an illusion. You can’t avoid the responsibility for what happens on earth because you’re a part of it.


If you think the planet needs saving, you’re responsible for saving it.


If you think our leaders have gotten off track, you’re responsible for getting us back on track.


If you see problems in the world that aren’t adequately being addressed, you’re responsible for addressing those problems.


You don’t need to build a vast global operation to cure every problem on earth. You just need to remain aware of how your actions affect the whole and start making decisions today to align yourself with the greater good.


Spending time in nature is one of the simplest things you can do to experience oneness. Stop doing, stop thinking, and just be among the plants and animals.


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