
其他 — Diego Rodriguez:创新的原则 (1/5)

2021-02-19 07:41:05

1: Experience the world instead of talking about experiencing the world

1. 亲身体验世界,而不是空谈体验世界

The signature behavior of people who routinely achieve innovative outcomes is that they constantly seek to experience the world instead of talking about experiencing the world.


Instead of only reading someone else’s market research summary, they go in the field and shop across the category in question. That way they can get a feel for all the intangibles which are lost in translation, as language, photos, and even video are imperfect mediums. Honda’s innovative rethink of the pickup truck came from Saturday mornings spent in the parking lot of Home Depot.


Instead of taking someone else’s diagnosis of a problem at face value, they seek a second opinion, and the deliverer of that second opinion is their own person. When there’s a problem on the production line at Toyota, they don’t wait for a PowerPoint to circulate with photos and diagrams of the bug in question. Instead, everyone concerned walks over to experience the bug firsthand. And then they ask: why, why, why, why, and why?


Instead of spending sixty minutes talking about what might be done, they build four 15-minute prototypes to immediately jump to the lessons that only come when you start breaking things. At the Stanford d.school, we hold “Iron Chef” prototyping sessions where small teams receive a problem statement from the audience (show me a way to run fast on the Moon!), and then they prototype the hell out of it for five minutes. And invariably they get somewhere interesting that would have been unreachable via conversation and hand waving.


Instead of only reading second-hand source or searching on Google, they go to the place and talk to people and see the sights. Talking to a person living on a dollar a day is much different than reading about it, as important as that background knowledge is. Experiencing the Mona Lisa in person is something quite different than viewing it on your MacBook. In order to understand what was really going on in Dubai, Joi Ito picked up house in Japan and moved there.


To truly start living as a design thinker, experience the world instead of talking about experiencing the world.


2: See and hear with the mind of a child

2. 用童心观察聆听

If experiencing the world firsthand is about wisdom, then being open to what that world tells you requires cultivating the un-wise mind of a child: open, curious, fun-loving.


Being open and curious takes practice.


Having an open mind requires one to suspend (or at least defer) judgment. This is an acquired skill.


Curiosity must be fed: when asked by a classmate of mine how we should best spend our time preparing ourselves for a life spent designing stuff, the great design guru Sara Little Turnbull said, “Great designers are great readers.” In other words, you must feed your curiosity, because it grows stronger as it is fed, and the cognitive foundation set by that curiosity is what enables one to recognize patterns and make connections across disparate elements of complex systems.

求知欲必须培养:当我的一位同学问设计大师Sara Little Turnbull 如何为设计生涯做好准备时,大师说,“伟大的设计师都是伟大的读者。”换言之,你必须培养满足你的求知欲,因为求知欲越培养就越强烈,而正是求知欲所奠定的认知基础促使我们认识模型,将复杂系统中的离散元素相连接。

Having fun (especially as you work) requires energy and time. But it’s worth it: fun shows ways forward other than the drab grey of the mundane, and it can shake us out of the path of an obvious solution.


Without the mind of a child, one can’t see or act deeply. We must see and hear with the mind of a child.


3: Always ask: “How do we want people to feel after they experience this?”

3. 不停地问“我们希望人们体验了这个之后,会有怎样的感受?”

Too often we focus all of our energy on designing the thing, and forget about the people who will use it. As we approach any design effort, we must step back and always ask: “How do we want people to feel after they experience this?”


Part of the challenge lies in taking an “ecosystem” approach to the human experience. It’s relatively easy to think about the experience of the end user of the thing you design, but what about the experience to be had by the person who sells it? How could we make that better? Who will service it? Who will retire it? Who will market it? Who will provide training and education? A comprehensive look at all of their needs will help (but not guarantee) a better overall experience for the end user.


Another part of the challenge lies in thinking about usage through time. We often design for those few moments that make up the core value proposition. But what about all the other experiences? How does it feel to start using it? What does mastery feel like — is it exhilarating or boring? How does using this expand our human experience? How does it influence our environment? What does it feel like to extend one’s relationship with the offering? Does it help someone get to a state of flow?


There are many examples where designing for the entire experience has made for success in the world (here’s a list of “well done” vs. “not so well done”):


  1. Apple Store vs. Sony Style
  2. Dream Dinners vs. Hamburger Helper
  3. Trekking in Bhutan vs. in Nepal
  4. Disneyland vs. your local amusement park
  5. World of Warcraft vs. Second Life
  6. Mint.com vs. your credit card and bank statements
  1. 苹果零售店与索尼体验销售店
  2. 梦幻厨房与汉堡帮手
  3. 在不丹徒步与在尼泊尔徒步
  4. 迪斯尼与你当地的游乐场
  5. 魔兽世界与第二人生
  6. Mint.com与你的信用卡及银行证明

As Lance Armstrong would say, it’s not about the bike. We must keep asking “How do we want people to feel after they experience this?”


4: Prototype as if you are right. Listen as if you are wrong.

4. 设计原型时就当做你是正确。聆听时就当自己是错误的。

To make change in the world, we must constantly engage in a yin-yang cycle of prototyping. This implies a commitment to two behaviors:


Prototype as if you are right.
Listen as if you are wrong.


What is a prototype? A prototype is nothing other than a single question, embodied. In a way quite similar to the scientific method, productive prototyping is about asking a single question at a time, and then constructing a model in the world which brings back evidence to answer your question. In order to believe in the evidence that comes back to you, you need to prototype as if you already know the answer. A strong belief in your point of view will push you to find more creative solutions to the question at hand.


Once your prototype is ready for the world, it is important to listen as if you are wrong. You (and everyone around you) must be willing to respect the evidence that the prototype brings back, whether you life it or not. You must also go out of your way to put your prototype in to the world. Hiding it in a closet is only cheating the process, and ultimately, yourself. My colleague Dennis Boyle, who is one of the world’s truly great design thinkers and a remarkable product development guru, has a saying which we like to refer to as Boyle’s Law. It goes like this:

一旦你的原型可以投入实际使用,听取别人意见时能有一种自己可能是错了的心态就非常重要了。你和(你周围的所有人)必须心甘情愿地尊重原型带回来的事实,不论你是否喜欢。你也必须走出来把你的原型放到实际中。把原型藏起来不过是欺骗这个过程,最终就是欺骗你自己。我的同事Dennis Boyle(丹尼斯·波义尔)是全世界名副其实的伟大设计思想家之一,也是杰出的产品开发大师,他有一句我们称为波义尔定律的名言:

“never attend a meeting without a new prototype”


This serves to both push and pull. It pushes you to prototype earlier and with more frequency, because you want to (and have to) meet with other people in the course of life. And it pulls you toward a more productive state, because you can’t have a meeting without having a new prototype, which means that you spend less time talking in pointless meetings and more time doing productive explorations. Doing is very important.


There is an important build on Boyle’s Law, which goes by the handle of Raney’s Corollary. Coined by another one of my colleagues, Colin Raney, his corollary states:

波义尔定律还有一个非常重要的加强版,叫做雷尼推论,是我的另一位同事Colin Raney (科林·雷尼)杜撰的,内容如下:

“you only learn when things start breaking”


The goal of a prototype is not to be right, but to get an answer. That answer is what allows you move forward with wisdom.


When we engage in both of these behaviors, prototyping as if we are right but listening as if we are wrong, we engage ourselves in a continuing cycle of do-try-listen. When faced with the challenge of bringing something new in to the world, this cycle leads to concrete results that have a better chance of changing the world, as they are born of lessons from the world. As such, I much prefer the word “prototyping” (a verb) over the word “prototype” (a noun). It is about doing. Prototyping is how things move forward.


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