
其他 — Jarrod Lamshed:备受鼓舞

2021-02-19 07:41:05


‘Lifelong learning’ is another ‘buzz’ term that has been floating around for a while. It’s a great theory, and something we want for all of our students. It is not until recently that I have really felt like a life long learner. Being a part of a worldwide learning community through blogging, has introduced me to a range of people who motivate me to learn and be a better teacher. Some of these people are the fantastic teachers I’ve had the chance to collaborate with, and some of these people are my own students.


Since being involved with blogging I have learned about dozens of new web 2.0 tools that have made my teaching life richer. In the past, I have found that biting off too many new things has left me feeling overwhelmed, but seeing the fantastic ways that teachers around the world are using these tools gives me a drive to try out anything that comes to my attention and then share them with anyone who’ll listen (and even some who won’t).

自写博客以来,我学了不少新的Web 2.0工具,让我的教师生涯更丰富。我发现贪图太多新东西让我不知所措,可看到全球各地的老师使用这些工具的奇妙方式,让我有动力尝试自己注意到的任何东西,然后与任何愿意聆听(有时甚至是不愿意听)的人分享。

It’s not the tools that have inspired me though. It’s the experiences I’ve witnessed kids having because of them, and it’s the inspiring teaching (and teachers) that I see that go with these experiences. It has already been a great year of professional learning for me and I would like to take an opportunity here to reflect on, and acknowledge, some of the people and experiences that have contributed to my new learning.


Myles Webb, is a teacher from New Zealand. I was introduced to his 2008 class blog (Tamaki Today) at the end of last year, and was blown away with what I saw. I felt like I was visiting his classroom and could see the excitement and love for learning that his students were getting through blogging. Myles and the sharing he does through his blog, have given me the resources, confidence and drive to recognise and better meet the cultural learning needs of students in my class.


Bill Chamberlain is a teacher from Missouri, USA. Bill’s class was my first introduction to collaboration online. We were both reading HOLES by Louis Sachar with our classes at the same time. I’d noticed this and thought it was pretty cool that 2 classes on opposite sides of the world were having a similar experience. I shared this with my students, we marveled at the coolness and that was that. A couple of weeks down the track, Bill had his students comment on the reflection questions I had posted for my kids to answer and we then responded to his task the next week. It seems simple thinking back, but as a new blogger, this was my real introduction to what blogging with students was all about. This made me realise that our classroom walls were no longer holding us in, and that the blog was not just between my class and I. Bill is constantly thinking and pushing us all to step out of our comfort zone as we expect our students to do.


Joe McClung, also from Noel, Missouri, is my most recent collaborator. During our recent school holidays here in Australia, I had an opportunity to SKYPE into Joe’s class and talk with his students. They are a great bunch of kids who asked some really good questions about our class and school life in Australia. Thanks to a terrible answer about Aussie Rules football, this chat has spawned a lot of learning for both classes, and has been a really rewarding experience for me as a teacher and is still providing in my classroom. Seeing photos of Joe’s kids with the footy we sent over and reading their presentations on AFL, really slammed home the idea of a global learning community. For those of you that have read earlier posts on this site, it’s obvious that Joe loves being a teacher and consistently reminds us that learning does not have to be dull, and that there is definitely room for fun in the classroom.


These three fellas (official Aussie spelling) are just a few of the teachers that have motivated and inspired a lot of my classroom learning this year. The conversations I’ve had with Michael Fawcett, Pam Thompson, Paul Luke, John Strange and many others, and the comments left on this site have all contributed to my professional learning. It’s a great thing to be a part of and I encourage EVERYONE to find something that keeps YOU on your toes and makes you want to do better.

这三个哥们(澳洲官方拼写)只不过是今年调动激励我课堂学习的老师中的少数几位。我与Michael Fawcett, Pam Thompson, Paul Luke, John Strange,还有很多其他人的对话以及本网站上的评论都对我的专业学习有很大贡献。成为其中的一部分,感觉特棒,我鼓励每个人都寻找让你保持警觉、让你想要做得更好的事情。


In my first ‘Being Inspired’ post, I wrote about the many inspiring teachers I’ve been lucky enough to collaborate with in my short time as a classroom blogger. These experiences continue to help motivate and make me a better teacher.


This year at my school, we have all had a ‘reflection buddy’ with whom we have weekly critical conversations about our own teaching practice and classroom learning. During these conversations I am constantly reminded about how much I am inspired by my students. Our students are capable of amazing things. Part of our job, is to help them find what it is that they thrive at – what they are passionate about.

今年在我们学校,我们都有一位 “反思伙伴”, 每周我们和这位伙伴就自己的教学实践和课堂学习进行批判性谈话。在这些对话中,我不断想到学生们如何鼓励我。学生们可以做很多让人惊奇的事情。我们工作的一部分就是帮助他们找到让他们茁壮成长的东西——他们热衷的东西。

I teach at what is known in South Australia as a ‘disadvantaged’ school. Many of the students are from families who struggle in some form weather it be financial, or with other social or family issues. It’s really important to make sure that these students believe in their ability to achieve and not let them get tied down by the ‘disadvantaged’ label.


Over the last couple of years, this has been a focus in my teaching. My class is an all boys class. We spend a lot of time maintaining our strong ‘team’ relationship, and being specific about what it means to be a boy and be a man. We talk about the idea that being a boy doesn’t mean being a ‘boof head’ (at least not ALL of the time), and we talk about the need to keep challenging yourself, and stepping up and out of your comfort zone. This is something I try to model, and something my students are doing increasingly well. Taking on these challenges has led to some fantastic learning opportunities, and to some seriously inspiring efforts by my students. I would like to take this opportunity to share some of these with you.


Pokarekare Ana

There is a young man in my class, who has come to us from New Zealand. He was an ‘immersion’ student and has entered a completely different type of schooling here in Australia. A very shy student, he hardly spoke a word when he came here but he accepted the ‘challenge’ and took his passion for music to a public place. This was a scary experience for him, but he stepped up and out into the limelight, for our class and blog audience to respond to. I don’t know that I’d be brave enough to do the same thing, but I do know that he has inspired me to take more risks with my teaching and to put myself ‘out there’ more often. Press play to listen to his results.


Clippers For Cancer

They apply the label ‘disadvantaged’ to our school, and I guess that has some merit. In our class we try to put this aside, and look at how we can contribute to society and our community. This year I decided that we would support a cause to better the lives of others.



I handed this idea over to the boys who spent quite a lot of time discussing the different groups that we could help. They decided that they would like to raise money to support children with cancer. A worthy cause by anyones standard. After some further discussion, the boys decided that they would like to raise this money by shaving their heads. They believed that taking ‘drastic’ action would better raise awareness for the cause, and help them to raise more money.


Their reasoning was sound, but I wasn’t sure that parents would be too thrilled with the idea! To my surprise, all of the parents gave consent and Clippers for Cancer was born. We spent several weeks aiming for our goal to collect $200. The boys gave their all and managed to raise an amazing $1900. This is a huge amount to raise for a single class in our school. I didn’t think we would make the original goal of $200.


Once again, the kids positive outlook, and drive to succeed proved me wrong. This is one of the highlights of my short teaching career. It still gives me a lot of satisfaction to watch the highlights clip. I am very proud of the boys and what they achieved here. They are already talking about next years event.


Ka Mate

This ongoing experience has been so much more than we’d originally planned. We first took on this project to try and engage boys in choir. It worked. We went from 3 boys in choir to having a complete boys choir with 44 members. We performed at the festival theatre, and went on tour! We were then asked to perform our Haka for Premier Mike Rann which in turn led to an opportunity to perform for the Premier again this year, along with the Governor-General. We then recieved this message from Premier Rann on Twitter.

这种不断发展的体验比我们初始计划的要多得多。我们刚开始接手该项目时,尝试让孩子们参加合唱团。一路走来,我们的合唱团从开始的3名男孩发展到目前共有44名成员。我们在节日剧院表演,然后开始巡回演出!我们应邀为Mike Rann省长表演毛利族战舞,而这又为我们带来今年再次为省长及总督表演的机会。然后我们还收到了Rann省长的Twitter消息。

It has been amazing learning journey from what we considered a short term project. This year we successfully auditioned the Haka for an assisting artist position in the Public Schools Music Festival, and will perform it for around 1500 people at the Festival Theatre.


Throughout it all, the biggest buzz for me, has been watching the kids light up, and hearing them talk about a whole new range of things they would like to do with their lives. They are talking about becoming performers, getting into politics, becoming chefs and caterers. It continually reminds me that providing these opportunities is so important and that it opens up new dreams and life expectations.


It’s not just my students that provide inspiration. During our Haka journey, we were sent a video my students in Myles Webb’s class at Melville Intermediate. The students in this video show an obvious passion for their culture, and put in an amazing amount of effort in this performance. It inspired me, and inspired my students. It is a must see video.


These experiences are just some that have inspired and continue to inspire me to be a better teacher. I am inspired by the students that never used to turn up to school, and now do. I am inspired by the students that were withdrawn and now step up to lead their peers. I am inspired by the amazing things that students achieve when they step up and step out of their comfort zone. As teachers, we know that we need to model learning for our students. More and more I realize that often it is the STUDENTS that model for US.


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